Sunday, 9 December 2012

Bad Vibrations Update/Kremlin Tour

Lots of stuff happening and on the horizon for the adventure punks...

School Jerks played a couple shows a few weeks ago; one in Hamilton, ON and one in Toronto as part of the Not Dead Yet Muscular HC Festival. The shows were a good time and it was nice to have the 'tude in town for a few days. No plans right now for any SJ shows/tours but we'll definitely get some things in the works in the new year.
The12 inch has sold out of the first press (1,000) but there should still be copies floating around stores/distros and we also have a few copies here and in Rochester. Grave Mistake has done a 2nd press of 300 and those are now available through GM and from the band. Check out a review of the record on the awesome art4punks blog
Last week we were honoured to record an interview with living legend and longtime underground punk champion/guru Stephe Perry of Equalizing Distort at 89.5 CIUT, expect the interview to air or EXD and/or appear in print in an industry rag in the future. Interviews can be really weird but this one was a blast. We were all a little groggy from ol' I-balls 13th birthday the night before, hopefully we made sense...

Kremlin have emerged from the Gulag with an awesome recording that is at the pressing plant right now! The record will be the 4th Bad Vibrations release, it will be a 10 song 12 inch and will be a split release with Beach Impediment Records, expect the record out early next year.
In the meantime Kremlin will head out on a mid-west/east coast tour next week starting with a "kick-off" show at Luke's house (the "grunge pit"...) 10 Fee Place Dec. 14

here are the tour dates:
December 15th - Chicago - Albion House w/ Wild Child
December 16th - Cleveland - Now That's Class w/ Bad Noids
December 17th - Pittsburgh - Kopec's w/ Napalm Donut, Drug Lust
December 18th - Richmond - Green Room w/ Manic, Blind Ignorance, Devil's Hand
December 19th - Philadelphia - Green Tea House w/ Backslider, Bastard Deciever
December 20th - 285 Kent Street w/ Dawn of Humans, Creem, La Misma

Check songs from the upcoming record here

Before the Kremlin record though Bad Vibrations will be releasing BAD-03 which will be a Bad Skin 7 inch. This project has been a long time coming and we're excited to be so close to having it finally reach the light of day. We've got test presses for this one so expect it out very soon. Anyone interested in HC punk in Toronto should be familiar with Bad Skin and know what to expect... the rest of the world prepare to meet Bad Skin
Listen to a Bad Skin here

Thursday, 23 August 2012


Urggh!...The record is available to order from Grave Mistake and starts shipping the week of Aug 28th! We'll have copies with us on our upcoming mini-tour (see last post) and in Toronto there are copies at Hits & Misses. If you're interested in ordering copies from the band/Bad Vibrations contact although we won't be able to get anything off until we get back from tour the first week of Sept

Monday, 13 August 2012

Jerks Update

...Well, once again its been a long time since we've posted anything on here...but rest assured we've been working hard in the inner world of the jerks trying to make some cool ass shit happen!

First off the School Jerks 12 inch will be available any day now, although small a amount of copies with a limited cover were sold at our show last Monday in Toronto with Neo-Cons and Direct Approach
The 12 inch is a split release between Grave Mistake records and our new label Bad Vibrations (so far we've put out the Naughty Girls debut "Bad Habits" 7 inch and next up after the Jerks record is an E.P. by Toronto's legendary Bad Skin)

In other news we'll be heading down to the states in a couple weeks for a small tour, and we will have copies of the new record with us!

Here are the dates:

AUG  25 Pittsburgh - Skull Fest (Night show at Howler's)
          26 Chicago - Albion House w/ Sucked Dry, Dirty Work
          27 Detroit- CAID w/ No Tomorrow, Oiltanker, SCUM
          28 Cleveland - Now Thats Class w/ Lucha Eterna, Smooth Brain
          29 Philadelphia - Cloud City w/ Dopestroke
          30 Boston - Orphan Gallery w/ Males Nurses, Twerps
          31 Brooklyn - Kent Street w /Inservibles, Defomity, Perdition

Oh yeah, the music section/Mp3 links have been taken down since the links were all dead anyways! We'll try to figure something out...

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

12 inch

Alright, it's been a while since we've posted any news from the Jerks, but we just sent off the master for the SJ 12 expect the record out this spring!